My name is Shideh, this is my personal blog, and I am in constant thought. Currently, I'm trying to find the sweet spot between talking too much and not enough.
I'm always asking how things happen, then questioning who decided that and why — only to question the holes in their theory. During my first quarter at UCLA, a professor once told me, "You say a lot because you see a lot". That's a nice way of explaining my troublesome pattern of questioning authority.
Other times though, I realize that I don't even have enough information to speak: so instead, I observe. That's when I get asked why I'm so quiet or go unnoticed in the group. I don't mind though, my chaotic mind could use that privacy.
Apparently, your "Big Three" astrological signs are a big deal. I don't know how true that is, but my friends say it sums me up pretty well, so we'll go with this for now: Sagittarius sun, Leo rising, and Libra moon.
Anyways, I think that's enough thinking, so that's all — for now.